
About SMILEYKIDZ Photography

Specializing in KIDS, FAMILY & FRIENDS Photography.
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SMILEYKIDZ Photography
~where happy moments captured~

Nov 13, 2009

Online Contest official WINNER!!!!!


Now is the time to annouce the 3 lucky winners of the ONLINE CONTEST~ Senyuman Ceria Si Comel


These 2 lucky winners will be receiving:

Smileykidz Voucher Worth RM50


The grand winner will be receiving

1 hour outdoor photoshoot
20 pcs 4R selected pics
1 cd of all the pictures

1 sticky album

And the grand winner is :

BIG congratulations to the winners.
Wait for Smileykidz to contact those mommies for the prize ok. :)

For the other 17 lucky babies, kindly wait for me to contact each and everyone of you for the voucher.
I'm a bit tight with the 9-5 work la. hu huhu

Take care sweets!!


Nia said...

congrats to all babies!semua pun sgt cute!!

Ummi Hanie said...

oh my...not my baby's luck diz time..
nevermind..nnti wat contest lg ekk !
congratz to da winnerz ! mmg sgt ceria n shumill.i'm very sure the judges were very pening kapla pilih calon kann? :)

Queenin Murni said...

wow! tenkiu tenkiu!! ;)

Ely Hasrul said...

comelnye! congrats!!

Anonymous said...

OMG ! tq kak nanoor .. tak sangka nini menang ;)

ImanRifqi08 said...

congrats to semua babies yg tomei2...

Ummi Shira (AshAnas) said...

congrats to winners... cair tgk senyuman kalians... ahaks!

Pelik bin Hairan said...

I tengok yg join contest ni ramai...u bg syarat baby@budak umr 2 years blh join,tp top 20 suma baby yg tak sampai umur 2 tahun.Hope next time u lebih "adil" klu nak buat contest.I lihat kat sini,top20 yg u pilih lebih kurang je pic masing2.Baby semua sama,senyuman mmg comel2 belaka,but hopefully u lebih creative dlm memilih pemenang.Sorry kalau terasa,I ikhlas menegur untuk kebaikan bersama.

tak pelik pun said...

i rasa, contest ni adil since organizer dah cakap dia yang akan adili nya based on her own judgement dan itu keputusan muktamad. tak perlu la pertikaikan kalau anak2 kita tak menang, bukan x comel dan bukan x ceria tapi rezeki belum ada, rezeki tu tuhan bagi, masing2 ada bahagian sendiri. tak menang kali ni boleh cuba lagi lain kali. insyaAllah. :)

Mrs. Simplicity said...

oh da ade winner, mmg da agak yg grand prize tu baby tuh. congrats to all the top3!

Pelik bin Hairan said...

To tak pelik pun:-

Betul la tu...I mean adil ni dari segi kategori.Patut ada kategori bg setiap baby.Ramai yg join contest ni,beratus org(x termasuk i k,sbb i xde anak) sepatutnya pemilihan dan pemenang dlm top20 tu based on category cth kategori bg setiap umur&kretiviti
Yg menang mmg tetap menang,semua dikira pemenang sbb semua comel2.But next time organizer perlu lebih kreatif & peka semasa buat contest..Sbb i tgk ramai mum&dad creative...banyak pic2 yg menarik.Acttly i dah tgk hampir keseluruhan blog peserta yg join contest ni,bnyk pic senyuman baby&kids yg sgt kreatif dan menarik.Tp top20 kebanyakan i tgk sama je...i x kata semua x comel...but dr segi pemilihan mcm ade yg kurg..jgn marah ye.I tegur bkn niat nak menyakitkan hati,tak puas hati@apa...kalau organizer rasa komen i ni menyakitkan hati,u blh delete komen i k.i tak marah.. :)...sorry & tahniah buat semua!

Shiela said...

tahniah buat semua pemenang

@nannoor said...

I think its time for ME to speak.

Kepada Tak Pelik Pun: I THANK you heapssss for standing up for me. You rock laaa babe!!*hugzz*


Kepada Pelik Bin Hairan.

Terima kasih di atas teguran. I tak amik hati. No offense but i memang dah jangka akan ada orang2 seperti u yang akan bersuara tidak puas hati. ;p
Well... I dont think I need to justify the decisions made. I think siapa yang masuk pertandingan ni memang akan akur dgn syarat2 contest. Oh, u tak masuk, thats why u tak setuju kan. Jgn marah yeeee.. hahaha

Hmm...u said that I need to be more creative in the future kalau buat contest lagi, well... maybe I should, maybe I SHUD NOT. Tengok lah, kalau I organize lagi lepas ni.Tapi kalau I buat, u sudi tak jadi one of the jury? Because obviously u think differently than mine and the other 4 jury. Its good to have a different perspective in life. It makes us think. Betul tak?

I have my say enough for now. I DO NOT WISH to discuss abt this any further because what is the point anyway?? Mcm u kata, yang menang tetap menang, ye tak??
And I harap sangat supaya pembaca2 komen entry ini agar beralih kepada topic yang lain walaupun topic yg diutarakan Pelik bin Hairan ini sungguh 'hot' dan tempting untuk diperdebatkan. Please ye, I dont want to generate any issue here.
Lets us be peace and enjoy the objective of this blog:
------> Happy pictures as a feast for your eyes.


Pelik bin Hairan said...

insyaAllah i xkeberatn klu u sudi dgr pndgn i... Nxt time u should be 'pro' bila mndgr pndgn ssorg..bkn judge da people smda dia join@tidak cntest u adakan.ok,i'll stop here.ckpla stkt ni k.thnkz..

~done well is better thn speech well~ ;)

aMy@LoLipOp said...

syukur alhamdullillahnyaa..
thank you so much nannoor!
n thank you so so much SMILEYKIDZ!
btol² besar hati saya neh.. =)

::Putri Naza:: said...

congrat to all winner

Papa @ Mama Zara Sofea said...

wah...cumelnyer... mmg diorg layak.. camne nk redeem voucher for top 20?


cham said...

ala...ruginya x masuk....



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