
About SMILEYKIDZ Photography

Specializing in KIDS, FAMILY & FRIENDS Photography.
Contact us for the affordable packages !!



SMILEYKIDZ Photography
~where happy moments captured~

Nov 3, 2009


HaiPeng Kopitiam, Kemaman, TG


cik na said...

haipeng mmg awesome!

annapeje said...

marvelles nyer yummy

LYaFRINA said...

wauuuuu... datang kat Hai Peng Kemaman..... saya duk KEMAMAN.... HEHEHE

fazilzura said...

kopi haipeng ni mmg sgt2 glamor kat ganu kan ...

mmg sgt2 sedap .. dulu selalu mintk kwn belikan ..
now dh pindh opis xdak dh org belikan huhuhuhu

Jasfyra said...

xpenah mkn kt situ..peah tgk kt tv jek..teringin nya...huhu

Puan ApasH said...

lama gile dh x ke sana

Ceni said...

Best ker? Mokcik tak pernah singgah sini walaupun mokcik memang lalu kemaman time balik tengganu.... kecian mokcik...

Anonymous said...

rase cam dengar je bunyi hirup air tu..

CuTeMiUt78 said...

namanya memang haipeng ya... hik..hik.. one of my officemate ni namanya haipeng..

bilaakumenulis said...

meleleh air liur.. slurppp

@nannoor said...

memang sedapppp tau... tp i x minum kopi/nescafe, so i minum milo ais jek. tu pun sedap jugak.. eheheeee

chekna said...

nampak cam sedap je..

m@m@ @zie said...

WOW! top 20 pun ada hadiah...! puan yg baik hati.. Sy ada kemuskilah disini.. blog saya belum di review lg ke..?

♥MAMASYAZA♥ said...

roti bakar tu nampak sedap sangatttt..tu baru nampak...blom merasanya....

ZaEr.. said...

5 minutes from my house...hehe



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My photo
Marathon mom. Running. Healthy Lifestyle. Photography. iPhone.

